A Funny Take on the TBR Pile

A little while back I had a bit of an accident and tore a ligament, sustained some bruising and…cracked a rib! I’ve never cracked a rib before and it’s not something I’d recommend. OUCH!

During my recovery I had friends texting me “rib ticklers” to “crack me up” and lots of terrible puns. Great friends, huh! And one of my friends (Miss T) sent me this picture quiltswith this great suggestion. I thought of all your books and the categories you could put them in…e.g. waiting till I break a rib so I can read pile.  Why did I buy this?? pile. Not pretty enough cover to read yet pile. To read when not in pain anymore pile. What others tell me I should read pile, etc etc.”

I’ve introduced my TBR pile before, but I thought it might fun to try Miss T’s suggestion, so…

For When You Crack a Rib Pile : my bookclub read (because there are no excuses not to finish when you're bed ridden) and a light and happy read.
For When You Crack a Rib Pile : my bookclub read (because there are no excuses not to finish when you’re bed ridden) and a light and happy read.
When You're Hungry Pile :  books + food = perfection.
When You’re Hungry Pile : books + food = perfection.
Because You Think You Should Pile : but let's face it I probably won't ever get to them.
Because You Think You Should Pile : but let’s face it I probably won’t ever get to them.
Will Probably Never Finish Pile : started but could get into them...maybe one day.
Will Probably Never Finish Pile : started but couldn’t get into them…maybe one day.
complete with bookmarks left where I gave up. How cute is the giraffe bookmark??
complete with bookmarks left where I gave up. How cute is the giraffe bookmark??

So, my challenge to you, lovely readers, is to leave a suggestion for a TBR pile in the comments below. Best/Funniest suggestion gets a prize…My unyielding respect!  (because I’m not yet published and can’t give away a free book – but one day this will happen if you stick with me long enough…)

S 🙂

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14 thoughts on “A Funny Take on the TBR Pile

      1. Some books just sound like a good idea at the time, and whether they really aren’t that good or our taste in books have changed, there are definitely some that belong here.

  1. Maybe a pile for “might impress the cute guy on the train”. And another for books where “I love the cover but have no interest in the plot” ?

  2. Dang it! Pauline took my idea.

    I was going to suggest: “Books I Bought Because I Loved the Cover” but she got to that suggestion first. (I’m the fool who buys books whenever there’s a mason jar on a window ledge on the cover. What’s up with that?)

    So how about these:

    “Books w/ Deckled Page Edges” (Love those.)
    “Books w/ a Matte Finish on the Cover” (Love those, too.)
    “Books with Deckled Edges AND a Matte Finish” (Be still my heart!)
    “Books I Bought at a Book Signing” (They’re the best.)
    “Books I Bought Because I Love the Author” (No, actually, THEY’RE the best.)


    “Books Other People Gave Me To Read”
    “Book Club Books”
    “Books I Finished & Want to Read Again”

    “Books I Have Read & Have Been Meaning to Write A Book Review For”
    “Books I’ve Read but Haven’t Updated on my Goodreads Profile Yet”

    I could go on and on and on . . .

  3. Yikes! A cracked rib! Hope it’s all healed now!

    This is such a great idea!! And that giraffe bookmark? OMG, where did it come from? I love it so much. ^_^

    I already know what can go in my “will probably never finish pile.” Lol!

    Books to read with the lights on ONLY
    Books to read out loud
    Books I’m going to pretend like I’m going to actually read one day
    Pretty books I bought for display purposes only
    Books I need to get rid of because I haven’t read them in 15+ years but swear I’m going read again one day.


    1. Fully recovered, thanks. I can’t remember where I got the giraffe bookmark. Zoo??
      I don’t need a ‘lights on’ pile because I’m such a fraidy-cat I just don’t buy those. But I do have plenty for the ‘pretend like I’m going to read’ pile.

  4. Wow, Julie covered a lot of lists! It’s hard to come up with one now. How about “Books that make me look smarter than I really am”? I love books by the Dalai Lama, but the last one I read (The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality) was a bit over my head at times.

    Hope that rib is healing okay, Sandie!

  5. Great way to spend time (esp when you have a cold and its raining – again). – looking at Sandie’s book piles and remembering ones you have read, want to read again and researching new ones to add to your must TBR pile.

    So I suggest a pile called..

    What Sandie has that I want to read.

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